Keeping it simple

WHILE WE ARE ALL LOOKING FORWARD to greeting 2021 — and saying goodbye to 2020, I am more in favor than ever of keeping life simple and enjoying what little pleasures we can find in these difficult days.

On New Year’s Eve, I will probably make a small onion pie in honor of my family tradition. I wrote about it here.

But if I decide not to make it, that will be okay too.

I have some pizza dough in the refrigerator and I believe pizza goes very well with a glass of bubbly. Last evening I put some pesto on a small round of dough, with both mozzarella and feta cheese atop. I was too lazy to make a salad so I just topped the pizza with steamed baby greens and a drizzle of olive oil. It was so delicious I just might make it again!

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WORTH A SECOND LOOK:A New Year of Simple Pleasures”


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4 responses to “Keeping it simple

  1. Rachel

    I liked your remark about it being okay to decide not to do something you planned… a friend told me about his daily pandemic strategy. Every day he puts his plans on individual sticky notes. As he accomplishes things, he throws out the notes. Then, at the end of the day he burns the notes which are left. He starts fresh each day!

  2. Healdsburg Meg

    Thanks Toby! I’m aligned with you…. Sending good wishes your way. xo Meg

  3. lemonodyssey

    I like that! Also the Italian expression: Anno nuovo, vita nuova — New year, fresh start!

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